Cervical Hypolordosis: A Case Study Report Of Treatments And Outcomes
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Zipoy, Emily
Kalapurayil, Matthew
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Cervical vertebrae , Chiropractic--Treatment , Thoracic outlet syndrome
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Cervical hypolordosis is a condition affecting the cervical vertebrae in which the normal anterior curvature
shifts posteriorly from its original position, creating a flattening, causing pain and neuropathy
in patients. Little data exists on the causes, treatment, and progression of this condition which gives
motive for this case study report.
A moderately active 51 year old female patient sought chiropractic treatment after experiencing
numbness in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th digits of the left hand. She was diagnosed with a strain within the supraclavicular
region. A hypolordotic curve of the cervical vertebrae was noted upon visual examination.
She was treated using chiropractic techniques and regained 90% pre injury strength eradicating
her symptoms. The patient later returned to the clinic with further neuropathy signs and symptoms. A
differential diagnosis included thoracic outlet syndrome or disk herniation of the cervical vertebrae.
An MRI revealed reverse cervical curvature and otseophytes along the lateral bodies of C5/C6 vertebrae.
A treatment plan and protocol was followed addressing biochemical changes utilizing proprioceptive
neuromuscular facilitation, stretching exercises, and a home exercise program. Within only 4
treatments the patient reported 90% self improvement of symptoms. With so little evidence about cervical
hypolordosis it is important to note the positive outcomes of this patient and to utilize the information
to treat and/or educate others who suffer from cervical hypolordosis.
Mentor: Rhonda Cross Beemer