The Effect Of Leucogenenol and Chemotherapy on B and T Lymphocyte Populations in Mice Infected With Friend Virus Leukemia
Hall, Michael Robert
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Leukemia , Chemotherapy--Effects of , Lymphocytes , Virus diseases--Immunological aspects , Mice as laboratory animals--Virus diseases--Immunological aspects
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The problem. These experiments were designed to determine the effects of the immunostimulant leucogenenol and the combination chemotherapy of arabinosyl cytosine and vinblastine on the Band T lymphocyte populations of mice infected with Friend virus leukemia.
Procedure. Isolated lymphocyte populations were quantitated using a cytotoxic assay for T lymphs and a direct immunofluorescent technique for B lymphs. Spleen and liver weight to total body weight ratios, survival times, peripheral nucleated cell counts and peripheral white blood cell differentials were also monitored to show the progression of the FV leukemia and the effects of leucogenenol and chemotherapy.
Findings. The effect of the leucogenenol was to initially elevate the B and T lymphoid cell numbers of the peripheral circulation significantly over the untreated controls. Increases were also noted between FV infected mice and those FV-infected mice that were given leucogenenol. The effects of the drugs were to lower the peripheral lymphoid cell numbers and significantly reduce the spleen and liver weight to total body weight ratios. Mixed effects were noted in all groups and at the various time intervals in the percentage of B and T lymphs in the spleen and lymph node cell suspensions.
Conclusion. The effect of leucogenenol seems to be the stimulation of both B and T lymphocyte stem cell lines. This is most clearly shown by the increase in the number of identifiable B and T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. The effect of the drugs was to offset the effects of the FV. The addition of leucogenenol to the therapy seems to work in opposition to the drugs by reducing their leucopenic affects.
Recommendations. More studies on the cellular action of leucogenenol are necessary. The combination of leucogenenol and an anti-B-lymphocyte serum may prove effective in counteracting virus-induced leukemias. Further studies using leucogenenol on solid tumors such as sarcomas and carcinomas should be done as in these cases, the neoplasias do not directly affect the hemapoietic process.
70 leaves. Advisor: Dr. Stephen C. Elliott
Drake University