An Evaluation of Woodside Middle School's Written Discipline Policies and Discipline Review Board
Kock, David Lee
Issue Date
School Discipline--Education (Middle School) , School Children--Discipline
Alternative Title
The problem. The fall of the 1976-77 school year saw a new Woodside. It was no longer a junior high with grades 7-8-9. It was now a middle school with grades 5-6-7-9. Yet with this massive change of philosophy, students, and staff, Woodside was still using the same written discipline policies and Discipline Review Board. Were Woodside's written discipline policies and Discipline Review Board effective in this new setting?
Procedure. Questionnaires were presented to 150
students at Woodside representing a composite of all grades and types of students. Parents of 100 students were also asked to complete a questionnaire, as well as 42 teachers. All 64 middle school principals in Iowa were asked to
complete a questionnaire which provided information that served as a basis for evaluating Woodside's written discipline policies and Discipline Review Board.
Findings. It was found that Woodside was a leader
among the States 64 middle schools in discipline practices and procedures. A majority of all students, parents, and teachers at the school felt that Woodside's written discipline policies and Discipline Review Board were effective.
Conclusions. It may be concluded that Woodside
Middle School is doinq an effective job in dealing with its discipline problems.
Recommendations. It is recommended that a committee of students, parents, teachers, and administrators be established to revise and up-date Woodside's written discipline policies, gearing the vocabulary to grades 5-6-7-8. It is also recommended that the Discipline Review
Board contain at least one parent and at least one student.
208 leaves. Advisor: Charles Rowley
Drake University