Teacher Selection: Use of Demonstration Lessons
Wede, Richard J.
Issue Date
Teachers--Selection and appointment.
Alternative Title
The problem: This study examined the use of a teacher demonstration lesson (TDL) as a component of one district's teacher selection process by determining if differences existed between evaluation ratings, as measured by the Summative Evaluation Report (SER), for teachers who were selected with the TDL and those who were selected without the TDL.
Procedure: The evaluation ratings of 101 teachers hired in a Midwest district were analyzed. The SER was divided into four performance areas and a total composite score. A Chi square test was used to identify significant differences for each area and the composite score between the 53 teachers hired from 1980 to 1983 and the 48 teachers hired from 1985 to 1988.
Findings: The research found no significant values for the four categories on the Summative Evaluation Report (SER) or for the composite score comparing the teachers selected using the TDL component and those selected without using the TDL. Therefore, the data failed to reject the null hypothesis.
Conclusions: The research identified that evaluation ratings of tenured staff did not discriminate sufficiently to identify differences among staff. The results of the study did not indicate that better qualified teachers were identified through the use of a TDL within the selection process. A review of the literature indicated that the selection process continues to be based primarily upon subjective criteria rather than objective criteria and that teacher performance evaluation might be improved through the use of authentic assessment methods.
Recommendations: Future studies regarding teacher selection procedures involving the TDL should investigate the evaluations for probationary teachers and the number who continue to be employed as tenured staff. In addition, a qualitative study regarding the perceptions of those involved in the selection process should be completed.
vi,84 leaves. Advisor: Annette M. Liggett.
Drake University