Results of Viewing Selected Films on Incidental Learning
Arnold, David A.
Issue Date
Audio-visual education , Learning--Evaulation
Alternative Title
The Problem. The problem of this study was to determine if incidental learning about the Bell System actually occurred as a result of students viewing selected films.
Procedure. Five films were selected as a representation of Bell System produced films. Pre- and posttests were developed for each of the five films. Comparisons were made between grade levels, sex and schools. The Chi square test was applied to the data.
Findings. Significant differences were found between the male and female students. The females experienced a higher incidence of incidental learning. Differences between the grade levels were also found, with the fifth grade having a higher incidence of incidental learning. A
difference between the schools was indicated, but no significant difference was found to exist. Incidental learning about the Bell System did occur.
Conclusions. The female students identified with
the women as they were portrayed in the films. Male students may have had previous work experiences which affected their responses. The male students disregarded the non-essential
material in the films. The younger the participant the higher the incidence of incidental learning.
Recommendations. Based on the findings of this
study it is recommended that: (1) educators concerned about learning should effectively evaluate all films they intend to use, (2) industries evaluate the films ability to convey
messages, (3) studies be performed to see how women are being portrayed in films, and (4) additional studies be done to survey educational associations to see how industrial films are being used.
v, 57 leaves. Advisor: Charles Rowley
Drake University