Global Virtual Learning Collaboration Lessons Learned
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Mitchell, Alanah
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Today’s educators are tasked to produce students that are able to work in a global business world. Presentation attendees will learn how adding intercultural projects to courses can allow for student learning in relation to course concepts as well as what it is like to work in a global, virtual world. This presentation introduces global, technology supported collaboration assignments where students in the United States have partnered with students from different countries across the world (e.g., China, India, New Zealand, South Africa, and Taiwan) to complete class projects in order to learn about course topics as well as to become more globally aware and increase their intercultural competency. Tasks ranging from 1-week experiences, 8-week experiences, and semester long projects using widely available technology collaboration technologies (e.g., Facebook, Skype, Snapchat, What’s App, etc.) are presented. Findings, lessons learned, and best practices suggest that today’s widely accessible collaboration technologies provide a good fit for the development of intercultural competency.
Pecha Kucha presentation given by Alanah Mitchell, Aliber Distinguished Associate Professor and Chair of Information Management and Business Analytics at Drake University.