Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): A Global Health Example
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Haack, Sally
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I present on a new pedagogy that I am using in my Spring 2022 class, Global Health (HSCI 104). The course is a requirement for Drake students pursuing the Global and Comparative Health Certificate. Along with the traditional academic content centered on global health topics, students will also participate in a COIL Project. COIL is Collaborative Online International Learning and has 3 main parts: icebreaker, learning activities, and reflection. COIL occurs in a digital environment, using technological tools to connect students in collaborative activities that promote learning in multicultural environments. In this class, Drake students partner with students from Tecnologico de Monterrey (TEC) in Mexico to focus on the impact of social determinants of health on obesity in two different countries. Students form teams and work on interactive projects that help them learn how physical environment, food advertising, food accessibility, public policies, and other factors impact obesity. This presentation was given during the mid-point of the semester, so final outcomes are not presented.
Pecha Kucha presentation given by Sally Haack, Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Drake University.