State Mandated Affirmative Action Requirements on Independent Higher Education Institutions in Iowa and the Characteristics of the Affirmative Action Coordinators
Durden, Betty J.
Issue Date
Affirmative Action programs--Education, Higher--Iowa
Alternative Title
The problem: The purpose of this study was twofold: to identify those states which had mandated affirmative for independent colleges and universities and to examine the salient characteristics of the affirmative action
coordinators in independent higher-education institutions in Iowa.
Procedure: Two questionnaires were used: one was sent to executives of state associations of independent schools requesting information on state affirmative action regulations; the other questionnaire was sent to the affirmative action coordinators of the schools which belonged to the Iowa Association of Independent Colleges and
Findings: California, Connecticut and Rhode Island
reported state affirmative action requirements aEfecting independent higher education institutions.
There were more similarities than differences between the male and the female affirmative action coordinators. There was no significant difference between the twelve males and sixteen females in their commitment to affirmative action or their perception of the impact of affirmative action requirements on their institutions. The males,
however, perceived themselves as significantly more powerful to bring about change in their institutions than did the females. A positive correlation was found between perception of power to bring about change and commitment to affirmative action.
Conclusions: Most of the Iowa affirmative action
coordinators were experienced administrators or faculty members. A supportive president was viewed as very important to a successful affirmative action program.
Recommendations: Recommendations included development of strateqies to increase the visibilitv of affirmative action provision of technical assistance to independent institutions, research on the costs and results of affirmative action prorams, and development of competency
training for affirmative action coordinators.
vi, 117 leaves. Advisor: Lawrence Fanning.
Drake University